Like other medical insurance plans, PRO-Health Medical provides coverage for hospitalisation and surgical costs due to illness and accidents. But it also offers a year-long mental wellness program with Naluri for the first 1,000 customers and a lump-sum allowance for mosquito-borne diseases. “The professional overall mental health and lifestyle coaching by Naluri is especially timely given the pressures of keeping up with the ‘new’ norm,” said William Foo, Tune Protect Malaysia CEO. Naluri is a digital platform that provides professional health and life coaching services. Foo added, “If their goal is to lose that 3 kgs they gained while working from home, or to learn how to balance work-life pressures, our programme with Naluri will give them that added assurance and support.” PRO-Health Medical has four plan types with Annual Limits ranging from RM30,000 to RM150,000. It’s available for Malaysians and non-Malaysians who legally reside in Malaysia, aged 18 to 45, and can be renewed up to the age of 65. The online medical insurance can be purchased by downloading the Tune Protect app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It can also be purchased from Tune Protect’s official website. (Source: Tune Protect)